a few days late for this, but i wanted to get her stats after her 2-month-well-baby-appointment....
Eeps! Two months! and my goodness, did 2 months go FAST! TOO fast. My little baby doll is a growing machine. I can't believe how much i am in love with this little human. I can't believe how long i can just watch her. ugh. even though she is a mini replica of her daddy, she is perfection :) hahahaha. i'm still hoping that she will have SOME attribute of mine.
Monthly Stats:
weight: 10lbs 9oz (28.35%- doc says she is gaining at a perfect rate) - this is how much daddy was at BIRTH! I keep telling Adam he needs to call his mom and thank her, apologize...SOMETHING! That woman is a warrior!
height: 22" (25.5%)- i'm not convinced that she's only 22". when daddy-o and i measured her, we marked her in at 23"...sooooooo, we'll agree to disagree. however, she has LONG legs! we had an ultrasound for her clicking hip, and even the technician was commenting on how leggy our little lady is. don't fret, hip is perfectly fine, and the clicking is gone!
head: 15.75"- this puts our doll's head in the 88.97%...in comparison to the rest of her body, this girl has a HUGE noggin'!!
* holding head up on her OWN!
* following mom with her eyes AND head
* trying to scoot! even her doc was impressed at her leg strength! soccer player? volleyball? golf :/ ?
* sleeping for 7 hours in a row (knock on wood...don't want to jinx anything)
i attempted putting i-rue in her 'pose' but leggy lady kept creeping off the front, and since there is no one there to catch her, i had to flip her over. I really wanted to show her holding her head up, since that is one of the HUGE milestones, and i did manage to capture a couple of them, BUT since I was trying to take the picture and catch her at the same times, they were blurry, not in focus, etc, etc...and for those who know me, the little perfectionist in me couldn't post those to the blog...for those REALLY interested in seeing them, message me, and i'll send them to you.
the changes from one month to two months is CRAY- CRAY (thanks J. Biebs for the slang - bwahaha)!
and yes, i realize that 'month' should be 'months'...but i didn't notice until AFTER i started uploading the pics, and if you have/had an infant, you'll understand why i didn't go back and retake the photos.