Thursday, February 28, 2013

Three Months!

eeps! three months!  i can't even handle it.  this makes me so happy and so sad all at the same time.  just look at that face, and you can see why.  my teeny little newborn(i miss her) is now a beautiful smiling baby (i just keep falling more in love with her).

i dont have true stats for you, since our next well-doctor visit isn't until 4 months, but we came up with our own fun stats.

weight: last weigh in was at 11lbs 6oz
diaper size: no longer in the newborn size...size one it is!  
# of smiles/day from baby: 100
# of smiles/day from mom: 1 - she puts a smile on my face and it just is stuck there ALL day long
ounces of milk/day: 25
# of times a stranger stops us and tells us how cute our baby is: like a gazillion!
hours of sleep/night: 6-8 (could be more if we went to bed earlier)
number of piercings: 2 - yeop, we got our little one's ears pierced.  we didn't go to the mall, we had the pediatrician do it, so it was a safe and sterile place. she doesn't even know they are doesn't fidget with them and they stay clean, so no infections.

little ladies legs are getting so strong.  as you can see below she is already pushing.  if she starts crawling already, i might just break.  i am not ready for it.  i can't take how fast time goes with her.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

instant moments

i've said it before.  i love polaroids. they capture something that all my fun digital gadgets just can't.  even blurry, out of focus and not well-framed, the images i get with polaroids always seem to amaze me.

my time to be able to spend 24/7 with imogen is quickly coming to an end... and i am really not handling it well.  i don't want to miss anything and she is just growing and changing so ridiculously fast.

and yes, i am holding out the camera.  i don't even know how i managed to actually get us in frame EACH time!  

these literally make my heart gasp.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tiny Dancer

What's making this baby doll smile so pretty?  It's the Kinowski Clan! What a treat it was, spending  Valentine's day with grandma and grandpa Kinowski!!!  (yay for mom for her first valentine's day off in 8 years!!!)  of course they both were in love with our little baby doll (but who isn't??) !   grandma and grandpa stayed at one of our most favoritest places, the hotel del!  so we were pretty stoked about spending a few afternoons soaking in the sun.  DOH!  too bad it was overcast and BrrRrRR (well, san diego style brrrrrrrr), so instead of suits and sun hats, we were in sweaters and knit caps!

one of the afternoons, we dressed immi in her best nautical-wear, thinking we'd do a mini beach photo session...BUT since it was too cold, we just snapped some photos of her in her super cute sailor dress and decided to make another fun gif!  i sense a new trend for the blog??'s a fun way to NOT have to choose between all the photos - who can pick from all the cuteness???

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dreams of Grandeur

le sigh. so for this post i had dreams of grandeur.  i'd be wearing my gold sequin pants, with a grogeous lacey sweater, my hair would be down and perfectly curly or up in an elegant bun...Imogen would be in something coordinating, and not matchy-matchy, and of course she'd be all smiles and coos...hearts would be floating down like fluttering butterflies in perfect cadence and landing gently onto the ground.....I originally had this planned to be planned-and-executed last weekend, buuuuuuuuuuut that day quickly came and went, and still no valentine's day photo for the blog.   and if it wasn't for my playgroup ladies, it never would have happened.

of course, how it all went down in my head, isn't exaaaaaaactly how it turned you can see, i'm in my mama sweats, my hair unwashed for 3 days (well, at least thats what i'm claiming...seeing as though i don't even know what day of the week it is, or even if it's a weekday, or weekend...i can't be fully sure about the cleanliness (or lack) of my hair).  - on an entirely different subject...does playing soccer in the rain count as showering? just asking....and immi? well, she is slightly less than impressed and would rather check out the other babes than make a silly valentine's day gif ... (BUT she is wearing the the gold heart patch pants that we made the other night!!!)  and what abou those fluttering butterfly hearts?  yah, the ones that took me 5 days to actually draw and cutout (simple things take so long now that there is a baby that needs me like every 2 seconds...feed me, burp me, change me, blah bla blah....god i love that little face), and when we tried sprinkling them, they fell in clumps of heavy hearts clunking us on the head, face, nose.  But you know what?  i don't think this could have turned out anymore perfect.  Happy Valentine's Day!!

BONUS!  not only did I get to make a fun little vday gif of me and my favorite gal!  I got to do one with her and all her pals.  what is better than babies and raining hearts?  - really, i can't think of anything.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Two Months!

a few days late for this, but i wanted to get her stats after her 2-month-well-baby-appointment....

Eeps! Two months! and my goodness, did 2 months go FAST!  TOO fast.  My little baby doll is a growing machine.  I can't believe how much i am in love with this little human.  I can't believe how long i can just watch her.  ugh.  even though she is a mini replica of her daddy, she is perfection :) hahahaha.  i'm still hoping that she will have SOME attribute of mine.

Monthly Stats:
weight: 10lbs 9oz (28.35%- doc says she is gaining at a perfect rate) - this is how much daddy was at BIRTH!  I keep telling Adam he needs to call his mom and thank her, apologize...SOMETHING!  That woman is a warrior!

height: 22" (25.5%)- i'm not convinced that she's only 22".  when daddy-o and i measured her, we marked her in at 23"...sooooooo, we'll agree to disagree. however, she has LONG legs!  we had an ultrasound for her clicking hip, and even the technician was commenting on how leggy our little lady is.  don't fret, hip is perfectly fine, and the clicking is gone!

head: 15.75"- this puts our doll's head in the comparison to the rest of her body, this girl has a HUGE noggin'!!

* holding head up on her OWN!
* following mom with her eyes AND head
* trying to scoot! even her doc was impressed at her leg strength! soccer player? volleyball? golf :/ ?
* sleeping for 7 hours in a row (knock on wood...don't want to jinx anything)

i attempted putting i-rue in her 'pose' but leggy lady kept creeping off the front, and since there is no one there to catch her, i had to flip her over.  I really wanted to show her holding her head up, since that is one of the HUGE milestones, and i did manage to capture a couple of them, BUT since I was trying to take the picture and catch her at the same times, they were blurry, not in focus, etc, etc...and for those who know me, the little perfectionist in me couldn't post those to the blog...for those REALLY interested in seeing them, message me, and i'll send them to you.

the changes from one month to two months is CRAY- CRAY (thanks J. Biebs for the slang - bwahaha)!

and yes, i realize that 'month' should be 'months'...but i didn't notice until AFTER i started uploading the pics, and if you have/had an infant, you'll understand why i didn't go back and retake the photos.