i honestly don't know how, or why we are so blessed to have so many wonderfully generous people in our lives. i like to believe it's becuase we both share the belief that everyone deserves to be greeted with a smile, and treated kindly.
thanks to some wonderful friends, bill matheny and cheryl ferguson, we were treated to a "bbq", as friends of the del (hotel del coronado). and yes, i put "bbq" in quotes, becuase it wasn't just a bbq, it was a grand feast. when we sat down, on the menu, there were several salad options, several meat options, and more than several side dish option (see image below for examples of menu item). naturally, we thought that we would be chosing one from each section, oh, but, no...we were served EVERYTHING. the del wanted to show their friends, ALL the things that they could offer. my favorite item? probably was the grilled peaches served with indian ice cream (most likely goes along with my previous post). the event was gorgeously decorated with white phalenopsis orchid arrangements, and low table succulent centerpieces (of course i HAD to run around and take photos of them).
Now if you know me, you know that social events, especially ones that entail me not knowing ANYONE...can be, well, streessful. but the night was wonderfully fun and entertaining, thanks to all our new friends from table 4! the night would not have been as enjoyable without all the friendly smiles and conversation you all provided. (we even stayed out past 10pm...which for this mama, is quite the feat these days). AND THEN! to top the night off...who do we run into on our way out? mr. alex montoya... departing from yet another wonderful even being held at the del....
....we might be biased, but we really do love the del.

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