every night on my way home from work, i pull into our little complex, and drive passed a little old man - routinely dressed in his levi jeans, plaid shirt, and khaki baseball cap. he'd stare down cars as they passed...i just assumed he was just a grumpy old man waiting to scold the younger residents for going over the 8 mph speed limit...that was until one day, i decided to just smile and wave. low and behold, he cracked a big 'ol grin and waved back. from that day on, every night on my way home, i wave 'hello' to the man in the levi jeans, plaid shirt, and khaki hat and he smiles back. goes to show what a smile can do :).
one of my favorite days here in our little complex is july 4th. every year there is a cookout, and EVERYONE comes creeping out of their doors and gathers to eat burgers, hot dogs, watermelon, and home baked goodies. it's really fun to see all the residents here. usually we all keep to ourselves, politely nod as we pass...perhaps take each others garbage out (or in), and go on our merry way. so this year, when i peeked up between chomps of my burger (stuffed with bar-b-que chips) i saw a grin, directed at me, peeping out from under a khaki hat. i introduced myself, and FINALLY, after almost 8 years, met richard...the man in the levi jeans, plaid shirt, and khaki hat.
anyways, to celebrate the 4th, i had a list of three things to do, and by that, i mean, three things to eat: corn dog, s'mores, and a root beer float. what's more american than that!? nothing. seeing that we are not adventurous enough to fight the traffic, we made our s'mores here at home, in the oven. i think they turned out just scrumptiously. (also note that we had to use baby marshmallows, because the grocery stores were completely sold out of ALL the normal ones!!!!!)

I was just going back to find the blog Adam talks about and saw this post! Made smores last night before we watched a movie – an actual whole movie! Yay. Whoever made up smores should get some kind of recognition, don't you think? xo