Oh my goodness...last weekend I was blessed with a shower for the impending arrival of our little marshmallow, graciously hosted & planned by my Cassidy (I'm still not convinced she's real...I have no idea how she managed to plan this whole thing, while being a mama to little 1yr old Rylie, working, AND getting her PhD?? oh yah, and always looking freakin' amazing!!!) and I was just overwhelmed with how many wonderful, kind, warm-hearted people I have in my life. For everyone that was there in person AND in spirit, I can't wait for our little one to meet you. She (and I) couldn't be luckier to have each and everyone of you.
For those who were only able to make it in spirit, I wanted to share a couple photos of the shower (taken by the wonderfully talented Morgan Stump)....and to make the hubby stop pestering me for at least a week...a belly video! He says my fans are getting impatient...bahahahaha.
the theme was "knit with love"....full of cable knits, and cozy foods...inspired by the afghan knit by grandma ruth.
I was pretty good about not crying through MOST of the shower...however, one card in particular brought tears to my eyes. below is an excerpt from a card from some of my favorite people, who shared some wise words from my grandpa reilly- truly great words to live by.

we need a little freeze frame on that last belly shot! your shower looks amazing. i'm convinced your cousin is like samantha in bewitched... she has special powers we just don't know about. i miss you and am so excited for you and adam! lots of hugs and kisses.